How can I Select an actor, bring up the HUD, and, when de-selected, the button disappears?

Greetings everyone!

So as of the moment I am working on a RTS game with unreal (as like many others) and I have run into bit of a snafu.

What I am trying to accomplish is that when I select an actor, I want a button to draw up on my HUD, and when I deselect the actor I want that button to disappear. For instance when I select the barracks, the button to train a spearman appears, but when I deselect the button disappears.

How would I got about accomplishing that in blueprint?

Hey ThatOtherGuy,

If you’ve downloaded the Content Examples available from the Marketplace, there is a map in that project named Blueprint_HUD that is a good starting point for what you’re wanting to do.

If you have any specific questions about how to adapt that example to meet your goal, just let us know!

Hope that helps!
