[BUG] Comparison of Names Does not Work


I’ve discovered that comparing names does not work in 4.13 - this is a potentially fairly serious bug depending on what is going on and failing under the hood (I’m in a launcher binary version at present so cannot investigate).

The issue is easy to reproduce: Create a new blank level and drop an actor into the world, and give it a tag (it my case it was a simple blueprint actor), then in another blueprint, on begin play use an all actors iterator to find the actors of that class, and for each of them compare the tag with one predefined in your blueprint.

I found that printing the name to the screen demonstrated it was correct, but the comparison was failing. I initially used ‘contains’ on the loop to check if the tag existed, and when this failed, used a for each loop over the tag array instead and checked using an explicit equals. Both techniques fail.

Hey ,

I am not seeing what you are describing. Here is what I have setup:

In short, I have another Actor in the scene with the tag, “TestingTag”. I loop through all Actors and then loop through all their tags, if any tags match, “TestingTag”, there is a print out of, “Matching Tag at element: [index]” - which is working for me.