Failed package by transient.trash

after some time when I am trying package game I am getting:

LogSceneComponent:Error: Component
has ‘SphereComponent
in its AttachChildren array, however,
believes it is attached to ‘Capsule
LogSceneComponent:Error: Component
has ‘SpringArmComponent
/Engine/Transient.TRASH_Default__MyNewBaseCharacter_BP_C_0:CameraBoom’ in its AttachChildren array, however,
/Engine/Transient.TRASH_Default__MyNewBaseCharacter_BP_C_0:CameraBoom’ believes it is attached to
‘CapsuleCompon ent
LogSceneComponent:Error: Component
/Engine/Transient.None:CameraBoom’ has
in its AttachChildren array, however,
believes it is attached to
‘SpringArmComponent /

The problem is quite new, everything works in editor, but packaging failing. It seems that some temp folder locks my blueprint. I ve tried to duplicate that blueprint and retarget all reference but it still appears. I also restarted PC :slight_smile: nothing works… Important is that I am making two other blueprints based on that blueprint and I belive that broke me packaging.(it have been working yesterday)

Hello Zwolejo,

Could you provide your complete log after failing to build so that I could take a closer look?

so I invegistated problem and found that problem is not in that blueprint but in C++ class that is parent of this blueprint. When I commented all attachTo usages, package works fine… I am sure that I used that code for like 2 months i dont have a clue why i started failing now…

CameraBoom = CreateDefaultSubobject<USpringArmComponent>(TEXT("CameraBoom"));
	CameraArmLength = MaxCameraDistance;
	CameraBoom->TargetArmLength = CameraArmLength;
	CameraBoom->bUsePawnControlRotation = true;
	CameraBoom->bEditableWhenInherited = false;
	FollowCamera = CreateDefaultSubobject<UCameraComponent>(TEXT("FollowCamera"));
	//FollowCamera->AttachTo(RootComponent);// , USpringArmComponent::SocketName); 
	FollowCamera->bUsePawnControlRotation = true;
	FollowCamera->bEditableWhenInherited = false; 
	CollectionSphere = CreateDefaultSubobject<USphereComponent>(TEXT("CollectionSphere"));
	CollectionSphere->bEditableWhenInherited = false;
	GetMesh()->bEditableWhenInherited = true;

Hello Zwolejo,

I am happy to hear that you were able to find a solution to your issue. I will be accepting your last post as the answer for this thread. If the issue returns or you still require further assistance with this issue, please feel free to reopen this thread with additional information and I will be happy help.

Make it a great day

Thats funny because I didn’t found solution. I mean, game is packaging but with that solution I cannot attach any component, so my camera is stack in sky and I dont see anything in game :slight_smile: