Landscape actor causing Distance Field artifacts?

So I’m using distance fields to create a mask around objects that intersect with my water plane, then using the mask to generate some tessellated swamp moss:

It works great until I add a landscape actor to the scene. For some reason the landscape seems to mess with the distance fields and/or tessellation. Unless I place the landscape extremely far away from any of my intersecting meshes it creates these weird geometric artifacts:

There doesn’t seem to be much rhyme or reason to it either. In that second picture the landscape underneath is completely flat, but it creates those blocky artifacts at random locations on the water plane.

Any ideas on what this is/ how to fix it/ other workarounds? Any input is greatly appreciated!!

I got the same issue :open_mouth:

What GPU do u got?

I use a laptop with a GTX 880m.

Did u fix it?
If so how?
If not does it look like this( Distance field and landscapes - Rendering - Unreal Engine Forums )?

Unfortunately, no I never did fix it /: And yes, my result was looking just like yours.

I did come up with an extremely inefficient work around though haha. Using ‘BlurSampleOffsets’ you can ‘blur’ the blocky/pixelated DFAO to something more visually appealing:

However, it calls the ‘DistanceToNearestSurface’ function 8 separate times which is obviously not an optimal work around. And it only gives a passable looking result.

In the end I just decided to hand paint my moss effect with vertex painting /:

I wish we could get some input from the Unreal devs!

Oh :
They said that they are going to change how it work in 4.15 so lets hope for the best…

And in your case I think that u are better off with height blend, DFAO will move(if u got 3d water) and cause the moss to look weird, Also its cheaper.


Do you have any specifics about what they’re changing in 4.15? Link to an article perhaps?

nope but it should be out next week

Cool. Well, fingers crossed haha