How to teleport to a new level in an endlessrunner

Hi, i finished the endless runner (with first person view) tutorial by epic games. Now my question is how can i set a spot or something like that in the floortile blueprint to get to a new level/map (for example the standart map) and have again full control of a first person character ?
Greetings FLY.EXE

Is Level streaming what your looking for? That basically involves taking levels and placing them in the main (or persistent) level through Streaming volumes.

Here is the Documentation: Level Streaming | Unreal Engine Documentation

Or Are you looking to through up a load screen and move on to a new level?
For this All I can do is point you to tutorials:

Open level with options:

Loading screen:

Basic “call to functions”

Calling an event on “Open Level”

Hope this helps

Thank you for your answers. The problem is when i press play both levels are loading the starter map and the running track ( like in the UE4 tutorial series). Is it possible if I hit an obstacle that I teleport to the starter level? My idea was when I hit an obstacle while running I will teleport to a new level where i have to fight some enemies and after i killed all enemies i would get back (teleporting) to the running track and so on.

and so it looks when i hit the stop button.

Give me a couple days on this, I’m currently flogged with college work, so I’ll get to it on the weekend. Hopefully sooner.

Ok, sorry you had to wait, but I found a very basic answer that could be expanded on.
I created a simple trigger, inside a doorway that was referenced in level blueprint.

Then created a second level and popped it’s name into the level name inside the level blueprint in the first level.

Then when the character passes through the trigger the character will open the next level listed inside the current level’s blueprint.
As far as I know the character will spawn wherever you placed a character start.
Hope this helps!

Holy crap my grammar, guess that’s why I’m getting an Production animation degree.