Spaceship movement with FloatingPawnMovement

I am trying to implement a spaceship in my game, which the user is able to possess and fly around. I tried to implement the movement with the addForceAtLocation node, but I was told to use a movement component, because then I can replicate it more easy.
With the movement component I am able to fly forward and backward already. For turning I tried to add a controller yaw input, but then it doesn’t feel smooth. How can I implement a smoother movement than I have now and how do I add things like drag while turning?
Thank you for your help!

This is my current movement system:


i´m also trying to build a network ready spaceship movement but had a lot of trouble with replication without a movement compontent. So now i´m searching for a good way how to use for example a floating movement component for my spaceship pawns.

I´ve find a lot of videos and threads on the web but always with not so good network results.
So maybe we could find a solution together?
Or did you found a solution right now?


cant really help with replication things but for the controls you basically just need to setup the script as you would for a third person character. the system the original poster was trying to use is a bit lets say not so good as it bases everything on tick and doesnt allow for subtle variations based on input. below ill post a picture of the basics of setting up some movement for forward/ back and rotation.

I personally use the same method as the OP because I dislike how this programming trick looks like.

It’s because beside blueprint, I am a programmer (C, C#, …) and this programming shortcut not fit with my knowledge and experience.

I think I had the same problem and I resolved it by calling GetControlRotation() before calling GetForwardVector() ect

You can remove the SetActorRotation(), because it rotate while the mouse move.