Local Client has no connection with Local Host

As soon as I start a project, the client will disconnect from the server and the idle animation on my character will play at x2 speed. I just set “number of players” to 2 beside the “play” button… and then the client will disconnect.
When I move the client character, I get the:
LogNetPlayerMovement:Warning: CreateSavedMove: Hit limit of 96 saved moves (timing out or very bad ping?)
Any ideas on what I can test and what I should do to fix this.

Hi Andreas,

It sounds like you may have another Unreal server running at the same time as your editor, and the client player that starts up when you click “Play” may be trying, unsuccessfully, to connect to this server. The 96 saved moves warning is an indication that the client isn’t able to communicate over the network with the server. I’d recommend checking your running processes for other potential Unreal servers.

No, the connection is fine. The server controlled character is moving fine on both the server and the client without any lag or problems. The Client controlled character however is only moving on the client and occasionally moves on the server. So it seems to be more of a package loss problem from the client to the server. But I don’t know how to verify or fix this problem. The setup is Peer to Peer.

Hi Andreas,

Ah, I see. Yes, it could be caused by lost packets. One thing that could case this is high bandwidth usage. The default bandwidth limits are set fairly low, and exceeding these will cause packets to be dropped. You may be able to increase them for your project - look for UNetDriver::MaxInternetClientRate, UNetDriver::MaxClientRate, UPlayer::ConfiguredInternetSpeed, and UPlayer::ConfiguredLanSpeed. These can all be set in your engine config .ini file. You can also use the stat net command to see real-time information on bandwidth usage.

It would also be helpful to know if this issue reproduces in the ShooterGame sample or in a new template project (such as the third person blueprint template).