Strange blur effect on motion controllers

I’m using HTC Vive motion controllers, and I’m getting this strange effect on any mesh attached to them. I’ve already disabled motion blur via a PostProcessVolume and it didn’t help. It seems to me like it’s happening due to the position being updated directly instead of being interpolated. Is there any known way to fix this issue?

I finally figured this one out. It would seem that the VR template has Smooth Frame Rate enabled. I’ve now disabled that and fixed the frame rate to a solid 90fps and the problem seems to be gone. From my research I had read that steamVR automatically locks the frame rate to 90fps but that does not seem to be true. It was usually close to 90fps, but was actually hovering around 85-90fps or 40-45fps depending on performance. I believe the frame rate smoothing was causing the motion blur effect shown above.

Edit: fixing the frame rate to 90fps will result in slow motion when things get heavy. just disabling smoothing fixes the problem adequately