Some MP4 is not compatible between Different UE4 version?

I have a project made in UE4.9 with some MP4 videos in it.

A MediaPlayer has been created to play the video

When playing this video in this project opened with UE4.12, the engine crashed

I have found a part of MP4 videos shound be crash in UE4.12

Hello ytianlong,

Since this is a project your upgraded from 4.9 to 4.12 I would re-import those .mp4 videos. There could be old/dirtied references to your previous project which is causing the crash. Try deleting your Saved and Intermediate folders and then re-creating and reimporting your media files. Be sure to create a copy of your folders before deleting them.

Let me know if you have further questions or need additional assistance.


I create a new project with UE4.12.5

Make a folder named “Movies” under “content” in ContentBrowser

Then import the MP4 to this folder

UE4.12.5 crashed

If i copy the MP4 file to the “movies” folder in windows explorer, UE4.12.5 can automatic create a media player

But when editing the media player, it shows:Not Ready

i can not play it

Would you mind testing this in 4.13 as we have overhauled the Media Framework to be more compatible and more stable with various media files.

The process of calling the Media Files to play has changed a bit, but follow the links below to get an idea of this workflow process and let me know if you still get a crash.

Let me know if you have further questions.


Excellent , i opened the project by UE4.13.0
I looks like work well