Terrible jagged edges on far corners

Hi everyone,

My project is running on UE 4.12.5 for Win64bit deployment. In one scene in my level I get terrible jagged edges on the far corners of the room. I have a postprocess volume doing Temporal AA and my settings are on EPIC for texture quality and AA. I have also built the lighting on ‘HIGH.’ I’m using static and stationary lighting on this scene.

My level has 3 streaming levels and my postprocess is on the persistent level. I have confirmed that my volume is affecting the scene by doing a scene tint - so the temporal AA should be applied here. I have also tried switching to FXAA and the issue is still there.

As you can see on the pictures I’m still getting terrible edges (both in editor and Game Mode). It only seems to happen on those corners and not on the pillars or other geometry.

What am I missing?

Would appreciate any help I can get.



You can watch a short video to see the problem in motion here - [- YouTube][1]

I got an answer from the forums. My issue was Z depth fighting. My near clip plane is set to 0.1 which can cause these issues with far objects sharing the same space. My solution was to add a trim to the corners to hide the edges.

