How to have a volume update every sec?

I have this Volume that calls to health and increases it by 10 on each overlap. What I want to start happening is for the health to update every second the pawn ( Cube ) is inside the volume? What would be the best way to implement this ?

thanks- Percy.

Use something called a gate or set a boolean isInside to true on BeginOverlap and to false on EndOverlap. Then use that to guide the flow from your tick event.

Use the boolean you set above in an branch node and simply set the true execution pin to lower the health every tick.

Thanks, but I don’t quite know what you mean, could you take a screenshot, please?

Thanks again, but that just seems to stop the script from doing anything?

What you should do:

On Begin Overlap

  • Start Timer
  • Looped, time = 1sec
  • Do whatever you want on custom event


  • Clear timer

Use this to familiarize yourself with them:

Good luck!