One button to interact with everything individualy

So I want to create one single button/key like “E” to interact with the whole game but with every door,window,button,light individualy.
Like when I use E to open a door I want to open one single door but when I press it it triggers everything in the game.
I’m a bit new on this…
I’ve tried using enable/disable input when Begin/end overlap but is the same thing. It triggers everything in the game :confused:
Anyone any ideea. That would be very helpful…

Hi man ,
Why everything get trigged?

if my character get near 1 door and is far away from another , i step in just one door,

the door get the event on begin overlap and set a value boolean to true, (it means that is active)

the other door will have thtat boolean to false because i didnt step in.

then i press E and i use Get all actor of class Doors , foreachloop , custom function Open the door.

All my doors will receive the event to open , but only 1 will have the boolean to true , so every door just check if her boolean is set to false or true and open or not.

Are there any videos available for this,because I don’t really understand what you mean… :confused: ?

Here a tutorial , take a look at this and nearest tutorials