Compiling and objects on map

I’m assuming its perfectly normal that objects already placed on a level need to be replaced after compiling the c++ code? I say this because it’s seems I have to do this? Would make sense if the objects are already instantiated when placed or I guess when you run at least once.

Just want a confirmation…

Ok I’m a bit tired so just want to clarify on some things:
When I say compiling c++ code I ment from the editor.
By objects I don’t mean UObjects, I’m doing

How you can even place objec hat is level hats is not AActor which is also UObjects?

I’m subclassing AActor so of course it is also a Object.

So for my understanging you think you need to place objects again on recompile. You dont need to do that as long as module and properties and funtion names are the same

Interesting the actor I placed only started acting accordingly when I replaced it. Maybe I’m doing something else wrong…
I got what I wanted to work but I will test this a bit to see what I can come up with and why this is the case…