Custom Depth Stencil Value on foliage

Is there any way to set Custom Depth Stencil Value for foliage?

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Bump, I need this too

Hey ZoltanE,

Not that I need a super in depth explanation, but if you could elaborate on why you need this option exposed to foliage, and how you plan on implementing this in your own project I can enter a feature request to have this added.

Thank you,

We’re classifying entities on the level with different Custom Depth Stencil values: 0 = background, 1 = road, 2 = buildings, 3 = plants and so on. The related buffer is later saved to disk and used to teach an AI.

Certain plant types are better placed as foliage but right now we can’t mark them the same way as hand placed plants.

I’d like to bump this as I need this in order to remove foliage from an occlusion mask using a stencil and customdepth

We are trying to implement non-photoreal styles and we also need stencils on our foliage (and sky, water, roads and buildings)

Hi ZoltanE, did you find the way to do it?

The programmers had to modify the engine… :\

I found how to do it,

Go into Selection Mode, Select your Instanced Folliage, Select all Foliage (or 1 by 1), Search “pth” in your Details tab, and voilà! the render CustomDepth Pass is there.