Why is UE4Editor-UnrealTournament.dll incompatible with the current engine version?

When I try to launch/cook in the editor this is the error i get.

LogPlayLevel:Display: Program.Main: ERROR: BUILD FAILED: Failed while running Cook for D:\Users\\GitHub\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament\UnrealTournament.uproject; see log D:\Users\\GitHub\UnrealEngine\Engine\Programs\AutomationTool\Saved\Logs\Cook.txt

When I look up the file mentioned above (Cook.txt), here is the description of the problem. I’m using UE4 from the Git repo, unmodified. If you’re wondering why, it’s because debug info helps me understand the UE4 runtime.

[2014.05.27-03.50.19:227][  0]LogModuleManager:Warning: Found module file ../../../../UnrealTournament/UnrealTournament/Binaries/Win64/UE4Editor-UnrealTournament.dll (version 4 1 0 2061646), but it was incompatible with the current engine version (4 1 0 0). This is likely a stale module that must be recompiled.

I’ve figured out the problem. We are not able to “launch” from a Debug-Editor build until building/launching a Development-Editor build first. When I “launch” from a Development-Editor build, it builds and launches fine.

Solution: Launch Development-Editor, and “Launch” from there, once this is done launching from a Debug-Editor build is possible.

Conclusion: Something relied on gets built/rebuilt in Development-Editor and not Debug-Editor.