Reflection Capture only working for static objects...

Hey everyone! I have a couple scenes set up only using stationary lights.

In one of them, I have a reflection capture, and it works great on movable objects! (The fist):

In the other scene, the reflections are only displaying on the static objects:


If I make the object movable, it looks like this:


I’ve tried rebuilding everything multiple times, updating the reflection capture, and swapped between sphere and box reflection captures.

Any ideas as to why reflections are only happening on static objects in one scene but perfectly fine on all objects in the other? I’ve been bashing my head against the desk for 4 hours now trying to figure it out :stuck_out_tongue:

Having a lightmass importance volume in the scene was breaking the reflections on movable objects - not sure if it’s supposed to do it or if it’s a bug, but I just deleted the importance volume.