No sound in encoded video (Sequencer)


I want to make a little trailer with the Unreal Engine 4.13 Sequencer but I don’t get any of my sounds in the final video.
I have added a master track and I can hear the sound in the render preview but not in the final one.
I think that is a bug :confused:

Is there a way that the CineCamera gets “ears” :P?



Hi Lutzelodeon,

Unfortunately this is not currently a supported feature, but is on our roadmap. It is logged as UETOOL-801, but is not something we can make publicly visible.

Thanks for the report. For the time being, it may be of use for you to play the cinematic in real-time, record the audio, then add it to the video in post.

Thanks for the answer and the solution :wink:

yep this is so strange that you cant export video with sound…
This is so oblivious

I know this is frustrating, but the main reason this hasn’t been prioritized is because many users and studios (including us) mix our sound in post for pre-rendered cinematics.

It isn’t ideal if that isn’t your workflow, but we’ve had some recent conversations about implementing this. I know feature development can be slow, but we’ve got it on our minds.

Essentially the way we’d have to do it is to run two separate processes. One to render the images (not real-time) and another for audio.

I’m adding another comment onto this ticket to add another voice to the chorus.

Unreal Engine version 4.16.1 still no sound in encoded video from sequencer.

I am disappointed…

Hi, indeed it would be a huge improvement, since you can put sound in blueprint for automatisation.
Of course post production sound is mandatory, but having sounds like footsteps or a glass breaking or even gunshots without the need to think about it since the sound is tied up in blueprint to everything else would be great.

still in unreal 4.18!!!

I’m also surprised that this is not yet supported!
This is absolutely very important to us.

The big problem is you guys aren’t seeing the benefit. Since you can attach audio to an object or space, the cinema camera is producing a binaural audio track that is very difficult to reproduce in post. This will be used to some extent when more houses begin to use UE4 for movie FX, as long as you can output a high quality track.

This is just flat out unacceptable. How can you guys not see the benefit?

Hi, was wondering if this is supported in 4.19?

Hi . I’ve used an engine back in the day where the renderer would capture/render the scene twice. 1 for the image and another one for the audio. I wonder why you guys can’t do that as a temporary work around

surprised to still have no audio captured…

Even 4.20 not recording audio