Adjusting DynamicMaterialInstance on ChildActorComponents creates deleted actors in WorldOutliner

I have been working on a asset customization workflow and hit a problem which I have a lot of trouble solving.
Here is the idea:

I have created a (master)blueprint for assets that has parameters to control the color/roughness/normal etc on a dynamic material instance. This all works great and gives artists a lot of freedom in changing things in the editor and for customization during runtime.

To adjust the color on multiple parts at the same time(say on an entire vehicle) the idea was to create a new blueprint which has a bunch of childactorcomponentslots which we fill with (master)blueprints for each of the vehicle parts and send the color information through to the DynamicMaterialInstances of all the parts.

The functionality works however on every change I make to the material parameters, a bunch of (Deleted Actors) are added to the world outliner.
GIF: Screen capture - daf4188dbdfc67afa9b805207fd7f804 - Gyazo
This only happens in the blueprint with the ChildActorComponents and not in the (master)Blueprint.

I think it might have something to do with not being able to succesfully destroy the old DynamicMaterialInstance after changing a value?