How to change mesh with widget?

I know how to change material in one mesh with widget.
but what about change the mesh with widget?
here is the example video
[link text][1]
[1]: Unreal Engine 4 Country House - G3258@4.4 / EVGA GTX 750 Ti FTW - YouTube

plz help me with this problem

It is the same exact process of changing a material and changing a mesh. The only real difference will be spawning the actor at the same transform or whatever transform you want to do it.

Actually, now that I am thinking about it, it may be easier to just destroy a mesh/actor and just spawning a new one. But you can just switch/SET a new mesh in the Static Mesh Component.

Do it however you want, there’s a lot of ways to do it.

So recap: Set a new mesh in Static Mesh Component or Spawn a new Actor BP, destroying the old one first.