AssetPackManifest.plist creating errors when uploading to app store

When i try to build my IOS app, it goes fine. When i Try to upload to the store, i get an error saying

"ERROR ITMS-90047: “Disallowed paths [] found at: Payload/”

I upgraded to 4.13 and it builds fine without creating an error. But 4.13 has all sorts of issues i just don’t feel like getting into such as longer open level screens etc.

Has anyone come across this error before or knows a fix. I have done extensive research. I have even gone through the xanmarin message boards because they have that error alot. Their fix doesnt work for me unfortunately.

Things i have tried…
-Deleting intermediate folder before building.
-Reinstalling ue4 4.12
-Unzipping the ipa and deleting the plist… and rezipping (xanmarin fix)

This happened after i clicked the “generate chunks” options. I was just messing with settings and it just went bad after that.

Delete the intermediate directory for your project and then in the DefaultEngine.ini you should have an ini setting called bGenerateChunks which is probably still set to true. Either delete the setting or set it to False. After that, re-package. This data is only generated when bGenerateChunks is set to true and is part of the On-Demand Resource system which you probably haven’t enabled in your provision for your game.
