Replicated Object with non-replicated event still replicating

I’ve looked at alot of tutorials, and most make sense for objects that you want completely replicated, but I want an event on it to not be replicated, but the mesh itself to be replicated. Below is my events, and nothing is replicated, however, the billboard still becomes visible for all three instances of the game (2 clients, 1 listen server). Any ideas why this isn’t working as I think it should? Ideally, it would only become visible for the one player controller who overlapped the box.

Can you not change the visibility of something like the billboard because the object itself is replicated, and so replicates all visuals, not matter?

Hey ridley075,

You can manage this by making sure that the server is telling the individual client that they have walked into the box collider and there for change the visibility of whatever it is you are trying to change.

As an example:

Yep, this worked perfectly. Thanks so much for the help!