Creating a 2D Side-Scroller "Enemy"

Hello, everyone.
I am looking to make a 2D Side-Scroller and I need to place “enemies” in the level. I do not need an AI for this enemy as all I am trying to do is get an image (sprite) to move from side-to-side on a looping track, with a KillZ volume attached to it.
I was able to accomplish this in UDK (Unreal 3) using Matinee, but Unreal 4 does not seem to be very accomodating when it comes to Matinee.
Any help would be appreciated, because I have not found a reliable guide around the internet, despite the addage of being able to find anything on the internet.
Maybe if someone can point me in the right direction on how I can get Matinee to play on level start, that would be good, as well as making a volume (KillZ) interpolating. Thanks.

For your enemy you could use a timeline as done on this tutorial. Just repace the lift sprite with your eneny sprite.

Thank you, this looks promising!

New issue, the tutorial does not really cover attaching a KillZVolume to the sprite. Any ideas on how to do that?

The KillZVolume is to kill the enemy or the character? If you want to kill the main character, you can create an event to kill the character when it touches the enemy