Play physics simulation, pause and place objects, resume simulation

Hi there,

i have a physics game where i want to place objects during level-creation.

  1. I will have objects and a ball wich rolls on top of this objects
  2. I play the game in the editor environment during level-creation
  3. Ball falls of the existing objects and flies around
  4. Now i want to “pause” the simulation
  5. I now can see where the ball will be and i want to place new objects in my level depending on where the ball is right now
  6. Now i want to resume the simulation - ball hits the new created objects - rolls on them - falls of again and we repeat step 4

Is this even possible? From what i read i can simulate and then take the changes which occurred during the simulation (transforms etc.) back to the editor. But that wouldt be the same as "pausing" the simulation cause this wont save the state for velocity of objects i think? What could be another way to solve this problem?

With best regards,