Event Destroyed not firing on my character blueprint

I’ve tried destroying the player by way of Kill Z (jumping off my level until I hit the Kill Z height) and manually calling Destroy Actor on overlap of another blueprint I made. Both seem to work, but neither trigger an Event Destroyed node in my character blueprint. I confirmed this by debugging and going through every event in my character blueprint; the Event Destroyed node is the only event that never lights up.

Edit: After running some tests, it turns out there isn’t much time to do anything off an Event Destroyed node. The only thing I found to run off it is a Print String node; the actor is destroyed before anything else can run. Could someone explain to me, then, what the use case is for Event Destroyed nodes?

What class did you base your character blueprint off of?

Can you show your blueprint?

You probably want to put such an event in your player controller which can not be destroyed.

If your character is destroyed, all his scripts in the character event graph stop at the point of death(as far as I understand it).

Thanks for the help, guys. I finally solved this last night.

Turns out I was wrong. The Event Destroyed node can take more than a Print String before the actor is destroyed. I think the problem lies with the Delay, actually. Every time I use a Delay in the chain following Event Destroyed it seems to halt and not execute anything after that.

After conducting a few more tests and found that I could do a check for all actors of a class and send an interface message on Event Destroyed before the character is destroyed. With that breakthrough, I went on to successfully create a respawn system and a working checkpoint actor that requires no config. LDs can drop as many as they want in a level and they just work. I will write a tutorial on the wiki to share my knowledge with everyone soon!