How Can I Optimize My Game?

Hello. My game is gonna be released really soon on Steam. Last month I held a closed beta and saw the game uses too much GPU. CPU part is fine.

I wondered how can I optimize my game. What are your tips to do so? I really appreciate any kind of help. Cheers.

Can anyone help me with this?

i don’t know how to optimize your game in a low level way and also i’m not an expert, but in high level you basically need to know how much everything you are using affects the performance, i will give exemple of things that really uses a lot of gpu

particles effects: you should notice a framerate loss entering somewhere with a lot of particles, you can control “how many particles” spawn, you can reduce this number, example: there’s a “spark” particle in the starter content, there’s a number of “sparks” that spawns per second, this should help a little bit.

Poligons: it’s something you should have worried about in the modeling phase, but + poligons = - performance, if you notice there’s a model with to many poligons (and you use a lot of them at once) you could remake this model and reduce the number of poligons, quote from someone in another post here in answerhub “My character have around 60k polygons and I can have 10 of them on the screen at the same time and I lose maybe 4 or 6 fps.”

Lighting: light and shadows have a high impact on performance, i will give you a link to the documentation about light mobility, read the full documentation about all the kinds of lighting and be sure your lights aren’t in a unecessary category.

Textures: they can use a lot of VRAM, reduce the texture resolution can help

Materials: using lot of different materials or a “too complex” material can also impact on VRAM and gpu.

Edit: May be obvious but also remember to give the options to the player reduce the graphic settings, helps a lot.

Thanks for detailed answer, it means a lot!