How to attach character to moving platform while grabbing a ledge?

So I created a ledge grabbing and climbing system based on this tutorial: UE4 Ledge Climbing Tutorial Part1 - YouTube with my own editing to make it more convenient for my game. With stationary platforms, everything works well; However, If the platform the character is hanging from is moving, I couldn’t figure out how to make the character move with it. It just stays in the same place.
I tried a couple of things myself, but I didn’t reach a point where everything is working as I want it to.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

How are you moving the platforms? Perhaps you could apply the same translation to the player.

Another idea you could try is to create a socket and attach the player to the platform temporarily

The platforms are moving with a Timeline updating the World Location of the platform using a Vector Lerp.
By socket you mean to make a socket, let’s say, on the character’s hand bone and attach it via the AttachToActor node? I tried this and as soon as I connect the attach node, it goes crazy because I’m using a MoveComponentTo node to put the character in the right position on the ledge depending on the ImpactNormal and ImpactLocation of the traces.
I hope I’m not over-complicating things.

Anything guys?