Fly around Sphere

I want to make a rocket fly around a Sphere and land on a specific coordinate. I tried using Splines, but I am not so good with math so my rocket flew through my planet/sphere because of the tangent. ( I used 2 spline points )

Could anyone help me out a little?

You have to define a few things. First, a distance from the origin that the rocket will fly to. Then you animate that it flies up to that height. Then you have to set the rotation to lerp between the rotation of the starting pad and the rotation of the landing pad. Set the rotational value of the rocket to the result of this lerped value every frame by using a time line.

There, you are done.
I must warn you though. Being very bad with math and logic is a major problem if you want to keep programming and making games. Math is central to almost everything outside of modeling and animation.

It is not like I know nothing about Math. It is just a bit complicated to let a rocket fly around a sphere mathematically with a given landing point. The Animation between landing and takeoff would be no problem. As I said, the rocket must fly around the sphere. I would know how to do it in 2d though, but not with 3d and an additional axis.

As I said you can use the transform of each station and interpolate these values. Just extend the relative vector so that it is in the height of flight. Then you can interpolate the rotators with increasing alpha. Set the rotation of the component that is at the sphere center using this lerped rotator.