Newly created characters move really slowly

I converted my project from 4.12 to 4.13 and newly creater characters seem to move really slowly(I’m talking 1 pixel per second) when I tell the AI controller to move to a location(or actor, no difference)

The characters already in my project are working just fine but when I create a new blueprint class they are super slow.

I also tried creating a blank 4.13 project with a single character that will move to 0,0,0 on the map and the same results were reproduced.

Here is the blank project with the problem reproduced:

Can you post your move logic?

Alright apparently in 4.13 if you call a moveto on an AI multiple times it freezes it. So in the example project if you bind the move to on begin play instead of tick rate it will work.

In 4.12 if you move per frame it just updates the moveto location, but in 4.13 it seems the velocity is reset too.

Thank you for your answer, it solved my AI characters’ movement speed issue :slight_smile:

FYI I’ve got it fixed for 4.13.1.



I changed pawn values shown to fix my issue.