How to use UMediaPlayerFactoryNew

Media Framework 2.0 is awesome, a lot of bugs have been fixed.

I have a question about using UMediaPlayerFactoryNew to create a media player. I found there is a FMediaPlayerFactoryNewOptions in the source code, and the factory uses these options to optional create texture and sound wave.

However, I can’t find an interface to set these options. Can someone tell me how to use this new factory to create a media player with sound wave and media texture? Thanks.

I don’t recommend you try to use the factories directly. I think you’ll be better off creating the objects yourself, i.e. copy the code inside FactoryCreateNew and adjust it to your needs. The options struct is not exposed in the API. It’s really just a (somewhat ugly) way to work around the way the (very old) factory system works.

OK. Thanks for replying :slight_smile: