Spawn emitters rotated correctly?

I am currently creating a projectile and I want to get the emitter to spawn at the normal direction of the object that it hit (sideways on walls, up on floors, angled on angled hits, etc), but I don’t know what to do between the event hit and the spawn emitter at location to get the rotation of the hit. Anyone know what I need to do?

Try to use the Hit Normal info from the “Hit” Event


Hhhhmmm, upon closer inspection, I see that Hit normal pumped into make rot from z does indeed work, I was just missing the part where the majority of my particle emitters were axis locked to keep them from facing the camera (they are just textures and are supposed to look like ground effects, so they needed to keep aligned to the ground). Apparently, axis locking an emitter makes the emitter ignore rotation of the overall particle set. Is there an alternative to lock axis to keep my textures facing up while still being receptive to rotation? Or do I have to attach them to square meshes as a work around?