How do you set up a camera on a proxy pawn for a character?


I have been working on a top down game and in order to get the multiplayer to work, I followed the steps in this thread:

The answer that is highlighted green and has the proxy blueprint, is the one I used to get character movement working. I will attach my blueprints as well.

Problems with the proxy are mentioned in this thread:

“You need to put your camera on the proxy pawn instead of the character because later is spawned on the server and this combination does not work well. I put the camera on the spring arm and I don’t know why but in this set up it’s arm length is completely ignored - I ended up with positioning the camera through it’s transform. You also need to set your proxies position to the position of the character (camera movement, network relevancy etc.)”

I am struggling to get the camera/spring arm within the proxy to follow the character. I am not sure how to set this up properly and have not been able to find a relevant tutorial either. I have found a little bit of information on doing this with C++, but I am new to Blueprints and have not done any C++ yet.

Am I missing a really obvious setting to fix this? Or do you have any tutorials you would recommend watching to resolve this?

Many thanks.

The remainder of the Details panel for the proxy and the blueprints I have in the project are attached here :slight_smile:

