What is the equivalent of the input axis node in C++?

How do I get input axis values in my PlayerController? [Tried everything in this thread][1], but nothing worked.

PlayerInput contains a number of structs pertaining to input axes and contains most of what you’re probably looking for. You can additionally find axis mappings in InputSettings.

Actor has a function called GetInputAxisValue, which is probably used by those same blueprint nodes, so you may well be able to use that directly dependent on your needs.

Ok, I figured it out with the help of this:

First you need to set up your axis mappings as per the above link. Then in your PlayerController add these functions:


 virtual void BeginPlay() OVERRIDE;
 virtual void MoveVertical(float value);
 virtual void MoveHorizontal(float value);


void AYourPlayerController::BeginPlay()
	InputComponent->BindAxis("MoveVertical", this, &AYourPlayerController::MoveVertical);
	InputComponent->BindAxis("MoveHorizontal", this, &AYourPlayerController::MoveHorizontal);

 void AYourPlayerController::MoveVertical(float value)
      if (GEngine)
           GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString("Vertical: ") + FString::SanitizeFloat(value));

 void AYourPlayerController::MoveHorizontal(float value)
      if (GEngine)
           GEngine->AddOnScreenDebugMessage(-1, 5.f, FColor::Yellow, FString("Horizontal: ") + FString::SanitizeFloat(value));

The only caveat I noticed is that if you’re binding your move controls to your MouseX and MouseY like me, if you have bShowMouseCursor = true; it won’t register any input unless you have a mouse button held down. And obviously make sure your axis mappings match whatever name you’re giving them in code.