I need help fixing the issue on the endless runner tutorial. The issue I'm having is when I try to spawn multiple floor tiles, they spawn within each other instead of at the spawn point. If any knows how to fix the problem, please share

From the ForLoop you need the Index in order to multiply it with the length of your floor mesh.

In example, if your floor mesh has the size of 300x300 units, you should multiply the ForLoop Index by 300 and spawn the FloorMesh on this vector location.

As lazy as I am, I will take the awnsering-screenshot from a other question-answer you had:

The TileIndex variable is the Index of the ForLoop.

The nodes that I circled in red, what exactly are they? Does it have to deal with an integer and float?

OK, I added the variables that are in that screenshot but I’m still having the issue the floor tiles spawning within each other?

I highly recommend you to watch this short tutorial on procedural generation: - YouTube

This will explain the essentials you’re currently missing.

It now works, once I deleted all the extra nodes and only had what was in the tutorial, it started working. Which is weird. Thanks for you help.