Why are my wheels not rotating correctly?

I’m having an issue with wheels rotation of motorcycle.the wheels correctly rotate in pitch mode.but problem appear when i use both pitch and roll.when i turn the bike in left or right the wheels not following the body rotation.
here is my video

It looks to me that the back wheel should be locked to one axis, rather than use two of them. If you are using blueprint it may be better if we can see how you have set it up.

You may also need to have the rotations set up differently, for when it is in motion and for when it is stationary.

here is my animblueprint

event graph

anyone please…

I’m gonna look into this a bout more but just by looking at it, it seems that your event graph isn’t set up right. Ill get back to you asap

Have you made sure that in your animation graph all of your transform bone nodes transfirm and rotation modes are set to ssd to existing?