Packaging Error Exit Code=25

I’ve been working on a project for about a year and I would like to make it an executable to share it with some friends; However, I keep getting the same error, Exit Code=25. any help would be appreciated log files are text

Try to read log man, it usually says what’s wrong … For example : “Error Couldn’t save package, filename is too long”, try to shorten the project’s location or your “tree structure” in your project …

Engine can’t compile with errors so try to correct all of them !

Hi TreeBeard22,

For future reference, as suggested, checking the log will typically reveal the cause of what is causing packaging to fail. I suggest copying the contents of the log into a text editing program like Notepad ++ and pressing Ctrl + F to search for the word “Error.” Errors are “show-stoppers” while “Warnings” are things you should fix but typically do not cause the packaging process to fail.

In this case a quick search revealed the following:

Error: Couldn't save package, filename is too long: C:/Users/... /InfinityBladeGrassLands/Environments/Plains/Env_Plains_Statues/StaticMesh/SM_Plains_Man_Statue_01_torch.uasset

This is a common error when using infinity blade assets.

There are a couple of solutions on the following post: Can someone from unreal explain cook failures?

Let me know if this does not resolve your issue,


Thanks for the help. The copy to notepad and ctrl + F trick worked well.