Can't slice other half of procedural mesh

Hello. So the problem is that I can’t slice the second half of a mesh after slicing the original one. In the end I have many unsliceable components and one sliceable.

This is a click event, and “splicer” is a plane:

This is a spliceable object:

What am I doing wrong?

I think the problem here is that you’re confusing actors with components. The only component which is actively being sliced is the one stored in the Procedural Mesh variable. After you slice once, a new Procedural Mesh Component is created, but a reference to it is not stored. Instead of looping over overlapping actors, you need to individually loop over all the components, and look for procedural mesh components to slice.

When you slice the procedural mesh component that your actor owns, the ‘Other Half Proc Mesh’ output is a new procedural mesh component that is also owned by your actor. In my ProceduralActor blueprint, I maintain a list of procedural mesh slices so I don’t lose track of which procedural mesh components my actor is in charge of.

When I do a slice check, I get a list of overlapping components, cast them to procedural mesh components, and if that succeeds, check if their owning actor is a ProceduralActor. If so, I call slice on my actor, but I pass the component to be sliced as part of the function call so my actor knows which of its owned slices to operate on.

In my case I’m doing a Line Trace to select my object to slice and some math to define my plane, but you should be able to use something like ComponentOverlapComponents and your plane geometry to accomplish the same thing. Hope that helps!

Thank you! That worked.

This didn’t work for me, i wonder what i’m doing wrong. Its not storing the new mesh into the array.

Ok I got it working, the only reason it wasn’t working was that I had “Trace Complex” in my linetrace by channel set to true. I Set it to false and it works great now! =)

How should i set up the ProceduralActor class?Thanks whatever

Hi Nick, What exactly do you mean? The proceduralActor class is a blueprint of an actor, for example a box you want to cut.