When Opening level in packaged game, it reloads the same level

Using version 4.8.3, When playing the game through the in-engine standalone, the game functions normally when opening a new level. However when launched or packaged, all ‘Open Level’ nodes reload the current level.

Right now, when packaged, it will load the Main_Menu Level(Map of Paris).
When the Louvre_Icon (Red button) is clicked, it should move on to the Conversations_Level. Right now it simply reloads the Main_Menu.

Here is a link to the zipped file:

Thank you for your help.


I checked this in a newer version of the engine, 4.13 to be exact and I am not having any trouble when moving between the levels. It’s possible that 4.8.3 had an issue that was since corrected. Unfortunately, 4.8.3 will not allow me to package your project for testing.

If I launch from 4.8.3, it’ll do the repeating cycle like you suggested though. Are you launching or packaging? What platform are you working on?


Hey CaptainKiernan,

We have not heard back from you in a few days, so we are marking this post as Resolved for tracking purposes. If you are still experiencing the issue you reported, please respond to this message with additional information and we will offer further assistance.

Thank you!

I’m having this exact issue on a 5.1 project. It’s fine in PIE but in packaged it loads the same level. Anyone has any ideas?

You need to check the level on the list of cooked maps of your project launcher’s profile, or add “-cook -map=+map_name” if using UAT.