world machine landscape material not applying to landscape

Hello! After exporting from World Machine I’ve imported the height map into Unreal with no problem. I can the landscape to any material without an issue.

However, when I apply my own material using the color map (.png) there is not the expected coloring of the landscape with RGB. Instead a gray color appears. So far no changing of any parameters or configuration will get past this problem. Possibility was mentioned on a forum that part of the landscape rendering is not working correctly.


You are misunderstanding the blend node, it does not work that way. Turn off height blending, it’s an advanced option that does not do what you think it does.

If you just want to apply that texture directly to the landscape, just connect the top pin of the texture sample directly to the “base color” output of the material.

If you want to use the landscape layer system, you don’t want to import a single colour texture at all. You need to import individual grayscale textures into each landscape layer through the landscape editor (not as texture assets), and use a landscape blend node with just the colours attached to it.

Thanks much! That did make more sense. The tutorial I was following did things differently and didn’t work. At least I get the colors I now expect for my simple example. Thanks again!