Is the Unreal Engine 4 editor not made for procedurally generated content?

Hello everyone, I’ve been busy past couple of weeks to make a nice workflow for making procedurally generated content for my infinite runner on Android. The game plan is simple, based on the location of the controlled pawn, I spawn multiple blueprints of landscape. However inside these blueprints I can’t use any of the level build tools (terrain, foliage etc.) and I can’t copy the foliage to my blueprint, so I tried to find a similar functionality outside of Unreal Engine 4.

Inside Blender is a particle system to create foliage (in hair mode). I can apply the density using weight paint so I thought I had the solution; by creating a complete scene in blender, and then import the complete landscape into a blueprint.
But if I do that, I get overlapping UV maps… In order to fix that I need to convert the whole particle system into separate meshes and then create one UV map for the complete scene.

Doing that all the time is impractical, because I will be making a lot of adjustments in time (obviously).
The other solution would be to place all the trees, rocks and grass by hand, which sounds even more impractical.
I could also spawn all the trees, and rocks with blueprint scripts, but that sounds like a big performance problem for mobile development.

Is there any way to use these level building tools inside my blueprint? Or should I make up my mind and stop trying to make procedurally generated content, since Unreal Engine is not made for this?

Here’s a screenshot of a blueprint chunk that I would like to fill up with trees, rocks and god knows what else:

So you want runtime or editortime editing?

editortime :slight_smile: in my blueprint to be precise.

It’s not a complete solution, but you can do some work in the blueprint construction script (including spawning child components, like your trees). It would be nice to have more procedural tools available with the editor, procedural content is possible, but not as nice to implement as it could be.

Placing the objects procedurally as well would have 2 big disadvantages. 1) The game would get even more CPU heavy than it already is for a mobile game. And 2) I would rather design the foliage than to generate a bunch within certain bounds.