FBX Version for 4.13

What ist the supported/recommended FBX Version for 4.13?

which modelling tool are you asking about ?

Hi larsgroh,

Currently we are using FBX SDK 2016.1 in 4.13 and this is backwards compatible with previous versions like 2014/2015 and 2013, but keep in mind that some things may not be fully compatible with older versions if there was a change with the FBX SDK. I think there is a warning that comes up warning you about this if you import anything that is using a significantly older FBX version.

For SDK update information checking the SDK Updates section in the release notes includes the additions or updates for that particular major release of the engine. You can find these here: What's New | Unreal Engine 5.1 Documentation

With FBX I think this was updated a few releases ago to FBX 2016.1, so it’s been in for a while.


Looks like you found your answer as I was typing mine out.

FBX 2016 and Max FBX 2016 are the same implementation. Autodesk owns both.

Actually Maya 2016/2017.
But is it really relevant which modelling tool I use?
As I understand it, the FBX File serves as some kind of interface. And as long as the respective implementation within the modelling tool is done correclty, should’nt the modelling tool be irrelevant from Unreal’s point of view?

In other words - is there a difference between, let’s say, Maya FBX 2016 and 3dsMax FBX 2016 ?

In the meantime I found a remark in the release notes of 4.11 stating that the SDK changed to 2016:

Thanks for the quick and thorough reply!