How can I create a sandy wind effect?

I’m making a desert/wasteland-like environment and I would love to add a reoccurring wind to blow sand across the landscape and even have tumbleweeds rolling around. any suggestions or resources that can describe nice a workflow?

Check out this forum thread
link text

Hey L.f.Gutierrez,

There are tons of resources out there for the effect you are going for, and even templates to base your particle systems. I highly suggest taking a look at the Particle Effects project and the Elemental Demo provided by us on the Learn tab of the launcher for ideas on how to create the sand blowing across surfaces.

In the Particle Effects demo project they use things called vector fields to control how a number of particles passes through an area in which you can define their behavior. This is just one way to add a sort of dust particle effect. For the windy sand, you would more than likely use a set of SubUV animations of dust clouds shifting over time. You could use the SubUV within your particles systems and add more particle emitters and modules to tweak the effect to your liking.

With the two projects I mentioned and some reverse engineering, you should be able to extract some good ideas and templates on how to create the effect you are trying to achieve.


Thank you so much! i’ll post results after exploring this, I appreciate the help