How to change a pawn in game play?

Good afternoon. Help please:. I have game 5 identical pawns I realize switching between them during game, so that game began with spectator pawn, and I could switch to my pawn by clicking mouse and clicking on second passed pawn pawn spectator mode? If not difficult to give an example of how to implement it. Sorry for my english Iā€™m from Ukraine :slight_smile:

In blueprints, from your Controller, Unposses current pawn, and then posses next pawn you want.

This link may help. person was having trouble because they tried this in Pawn, remember, do possess and unposses in Controller.

Spawn and posses blueprint question

Thanks but this is not exactly what I need, or I did not understand. Skills not a multiplayer game I just need to is switched with observer pawn, pawn shape and control it and switch back to pawn observer. If you can tell me!

Skills not a multiplayer game I just need to is switched with observer pawn, pawn shape and control it and switch back to pawn observer. If you can tell me!

Do you solved your problem ?
Iā€™m stuck in same situation =/
I just want to switch my default pawn =/


This question was asked and answered here:

Please post any additional comments/questions there. Thanks!

Good afternoon. How can I switch between pawns during gameplay? - Blueprint - Epic Developer Community Forums This solution of my problem I hope and it will help you!