UMG Scaling

I’m setting up some menus in UMG and have some scaling issues.

The scaling on the UMG elements is working as it should but I’m trying to stop certain elements from scaling down. Is this possible or is there a way I can scale UMG widgets up at runtime to compensate? In the image below there is a dark grey bar along the bottom. If I wanted to have the bar 100% of the screen width and a fixed 100 pixels in height regardless of the display can this be achieved while letting the 4 game buttons scale normally at different resolutions.

Any advice would be very much appreciated as I’ve spent an age trying to get this to work.

Hello, jawailba

For your UMG you need to make the piece you don’t want scaled up to be the child of a scale box. In the settings for your scale box under the stretching category do the following:

1.set Stretch to User Specified
2. Set user specified Scale to .5
3. Check the box for Ignore Inherited scale

Now you can put your image or whatever you want as the child of this scalebox, set the horizontal alignment to fill and vertical alignment to wherever you would like. Then under the image size category set you image values to whatever you need. This should allow you image to stay the same size, no matter the screen resolution.

Hope this helps!

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Long time since you wrote this but THANKS. Saved my day! =)