Possible to blend different camera shakes together?

I’m using five camera shake blueprints on my player character (Forward, Backward, Right, Left, Idle). Whenever the player moves in a direction, it switches to playing a different camera shake using the ClientPlayCameraShake function while simultaneous stopping any other camera shake.

Let’s say that the player moves both forward and right. Is it possible to blend together two different camera shakes?

My second question is how I can get the camera shakes to blend in and out smoothly between transitions. Right now whenever I switch camera shakes, it stops the previous shake immediately, causing the camera to jolt.

My final question is if I can change the ClientPlayCameraShake “Scale” value during runtime. I want the scale to increase based on the player’s speed (so it will increase or decrease in any direction based on if he’s walking/crouching/running). Here is how I have it set up currently:

void APlayerCharacter::MoveRight(float Value)

	if (CurrentState != nullptr)
		if (!CurrentState->CanMove())

	if (Value != 0.0f)
		// add movement in that direction
		AddMovementInput(GetActorRightVector(), Value);

void APlayerCharacter::CameraShakeRight(float Value)
	APlayerController* MyControllerPointer = Cast<APlayerController>(Controller);

	if (MyControllerPointer)
		Value = Value * (GetCharacterMovement()->MaxWalkSpeed / WalkSpeed);

		if (Value > 0)
			if (!bCameraShakeRightPlaying)
				if (bCameraShakeLeftPlaying)
					MyControllerPointer->ClientStopCameraShake(CameraShakeWalkLeft, true);
					bCameraShakeLeftPlaying = false;
				MyControllerPointer->ClientPlayCameraShake(CameraShakeWalkRight, Value);
				bCameraShakeRightPlaying = true;

			if (!bCameraShakeLeftPlaying)
				if (bCameraShakeRightPlaying)
					MyControllerPointer->ClientStopCameraShake(CameraShakeWalkRight, true);
					bCameraShakeRightPlaying = false;
				MyControllerPointer->ClientPlayCameraShake(CameraShakeWalkLeft, FMath::Abs(Value));
				bCameraShakeLeftPlaying = true;

I’ve only done it in BPs, with one shake for each axis (forward&backward / left&right), then there is an oscillation blend in and out time in the camera shake BP which you can set.
I also wanted different shakes for different movement speeds, it’s a clumsy solution, but i made three shakes,
one for each walk speed (crouch/walk/run) and called them up by the walk speed. This too resulted in “jolts” (as you described) when the different shakes changed to next. I set the initial offset to zero which got rid of the jolts. Like I said, kinda clumsy, but worked for me.
Don’t know if this helps, cause it’s not code, but maybe it’ll give you some ideas.