Unable to install the epic launcher

I previously had the Epic games launcher installed but someone uninstalled it. Now when i want to install the usual install runs but it doesn’t let me choose a folder to install in and at the end of the install loading bar it says ‘A network error occurred while attempting to read from the file:C:\Windows\Installer\EpicGamesLauncherInstaller-2.12.1-3002992.msi.’ Thanks in advance for any help.


I’m sorry that you are having an issue with the Epic Games Launcher. In order for us to offer the best support, we have recently modified the process for how Epic Games can help troubleshoot your Launcher issue. Please visit http://help.epicgames.com/ for technical support, here you can find information and solutions for common issues, as well as a contact form if you still need additional assistance. To access the contact form, please use the “Email Us” button under the “Contact Us” section. Thanks!

Have a great day

Thank you for directing me in the right direction. I have heard alot about how good the community and support is and you have my thanks. However the problem seems to have solved itself as yesterday i had to do a fresh install for reasons unspecified. Had a great day and I hope you have a great week!