Smooth Camera Transition in Function

We are currently working on a game where we have the player do one part of the level and once he gets to the end it transitions to the next part with a new camera, problem right now is that it instantly switches camera and player position but we would like it to be more smooth, going from the previous camera to the next, in which way would be the best to solve this?

Hey lillbrorsan,

The easiest way to do it is using this node:


This is a really basic blend between 2 cameras, so you’ll need a second camera on the position & rotation you want to blend to and then just call this node, plug the 2nd camera into the New View Target.

You could also add an animation to it with sequencer or matinee, this will maybe give a more desired look.

Hope this helps,

Thanks for your reply PasteDog, we fixed it by simply moving the whole function to the Event Graph using a Custom Event and then calling upon this in the BluePrint triggering the change!

I’ve just did a similar function in a menu, based on someone else’s answer on a question. Just use a set world transformation function with a lerp, and for alpha, use a time-lapse function! If you wish, I can send you a print screen in about 5 hours.