Did something change with convex collision generation in 4.13

Auto generation of convex collision seems to no longer be working on any new assets or updated assets since our most recent integration to 4.13. Is this something that others are experiencing?

Hitting apply on convex decomposition or trying to auto generate collision doesn’t do anything for the static mesh any more regardless of the settings.

Also it seems that Use complex collision as simple is no longer working as well for per poly collision since 4.13. There’s no indication of collision in the preview window and actors are falling through the objects on simulate or play.

Hi theprogg,

I tested this in 4.13.1 and both generating Convex Collision and Use Complex as Simple both work for me on a custom imported asset.

Have you made any code changes to the engine? Can you try reproducing this on your end in a new blank project?

I just figured out the issue. It seems like in one of the most recent iterations that the ‘enable collision’ checkbox on the material slot for the static mesh is off by default now. This didn’t occur on older assets before the integration. After finding that it was off it was able to generate auto collision now. Not sure if that change to the default setting was on our integration or if that was in the public release but that definitely fixed it. Completely slipped my mind that the material collision was needed for the convex collision decomposition/per-poly stuff. Guess we just passed over since it defaulted to ‘on’ in previous iterations.

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No problem. I’m glad you figured it out.

Good luck with your project!


just had the same problem, couldn’t figure out why convex decomposition didn’t do it’s thing. thanks for the answer.