Accidentally deleted animations from 3rdPersonChar

Hello, I was trying to change the mesh of my player character but did not succeed, however now it has removed all the animations from the ThirdPersonCharacter I was using as a prototype, can anybody help me get them back? UE4, v4.13

Hi Gweglez,

Do the animations themselves exist in this project or another, just not associated with your Third Person Character? If that is the case, you migrate the animations from their original project or, if they still exist in your current project, retarget those animations to the Skeleton that your Third Person Character uses in their skeletal mesh.

If you need further assistance, please describe the origins of the missing animations in your reply.



Hi ,

In complete honesty, I’m not sure (rather new to all this) I was trying to put a new mesh that I downloaded from Turbosquid on top of my 3PC but it just presented me with the new mesh just “sliding” around the level. So I tried to put it back and the same effect with the default Mannequin.

I’ve reselected “ThirdPersonAnimationBP” under Animation Blueprint to no avail.

I’m having enough trouble with trying to get my score to persist through death, retargeting animations sounds a bit beyond my current skill set.

I will post a video shortly to show my plight which should hopefully give you a better idea of what I mean. It’s also extended this to the AI chars who just use a different colour Mannequin.

Video here

Thanks for the video, that clears things up. Open your Character Blueprint and in the detail panel select a working Character AnimBlueprint:

Let me know if this does not resolve your issue.

Hi ,

Unfortunately it hasn’t resolved it, was already set to this, do you have any other suggestions?

You will need to find the matching AnimBlueprint for the correct skeletal mesh… In the next section under the highlighted box in the image, try changing skeletal meshes. If you have only one skeletal mesh, try changing AnimBlueprints (from the drop down menu).

When they match, the character in the Viewport will animate in the idle pose.

Hi ,

No more joy, I must’ve really messed up the ThidPersonAnimBP somehow, I think I’ll try importing it again.

This has sort of worked, but now his left arm is hanging off!

I think I’ll just start a fresh project and reimport everything bar the ThirdPersoncharacter

As I thought about it some more, I was going to suggest migrating the ThidPersonAnimBP from a new project into your current project. (I have no idea how any of this would result in the left arm hanging off.)

If you’d like me to take a look at your project, you can send a link to your zipped project (from Dropbox, Google drive, etc.) in a private message to me on our .

I’ll try take a screenshot when I’m home, though I am just thinking of starting a new project completely, take what I’ve learned and do it again but better.

I’m not sure if this is what you did, but the only way I could replicate the error was to adjust the “upperarm_l” in the Base Pose in the Retarget Manager and then select “Save Pose.” I understand if you want to start fresh, but you may want to check this just in your current project just for a learning experience…

If it turns out your base pose has been altered this way, you can adjust the arm yourself or simply press the “Reset Pose” button.