Save Multiplayer Teams from Lobby

Hello, im making a multiplayer game, and i got a lobby that puts every player in Team 1 or Team 2 by storing it in a variable on every player. my problem is that when i start the game and travel to the map that Team Variable on all the players gets reset.

How can i save that Team variable over to the match map? Should i use Game Instance? like somehow make a variable for player 1, player 2, player 3 and so on and store them there?

Or should i make a save game file and let all players save their team number in that save file?

What will works best?

Seamless Travel did the trick

hi there! I’ve got the same problem!
Would you explain with more details?
It loses the team setup what I’ve made in the lobby when arriving the map.
i turned on the seamless travel in Lobby game mode class defaults settings.
But how should I? Do I must to “save game” it some how to know who is in which team?!
