Use existing epic published content for educational use?

I’ve been using unreal engine for a while now as a student, I like to think I am confident with using the engine and the material. In my university there are a lot of fellow students who don’t use UE4 or would like to but find the entry bar a bit too high to get into.

People on my course are encouraging brown bags which are presentations and small self hosted teaching events presented by students to other students (not an official lecture) to teach a topic. I am planning to create a small presentation event to encourage and teach UE4 to others on my course. As a result I have started putting together some resources to help me do this. Some of these resources use existing content Epic has published, things like UE4 power point background themes?

Is there any content you suggest I use to help me teach new users to UE4?
Is it okay to use existing published material, like power points and other publicly available content for this use?

Kind regards,


Hello Jakey113G,

I serve as Education Evangelist for Unreal Engine and post some of the PowerPoint presentations I use to helping people learn Unreal on You are welcome to use this material to help teach others as well.

Thank you for the help.


Luis Cataldi, Unreal Engine Education Evangelist.

Thank you for your response. Unfortunately that link doesn’t work for me.

Try this one without the period on the end.

ha I was just about to send another comment. I also just realised the period. Anyway, thank you for the slides, these will be very helpful :slight_smile: